Pixlr Express照片编辑器.apk

2013/9/9 17:42:00  人气 2710    安卓交流论坛  
The Pixlr Express is a fun and free photo editor that lets you quickly crop, resize , and repair any pictures, remove red eye , whitening teeth. More than 600 effects , overlays and borders and then * any image personalization all free . From the makers of Pixlr - O-MATIC ‘s Pixlr Express will make you look like a pro , even if you never edit photos before
✓ crop , adjust , rectify and easily rotate images.
✓ ‘ auto- fix‘ photos as a key repair balance color , darkening photos and poor lighting conditions.
✓ remove red eye, whiten teeth using simple tools .
✓ coverage to help you adjust the mood - a healthy tone, cool down , or add surreal shades
✓ lighting effects , you can add drama , sparks or junk look. Easily adjust the intensity and direction of each effect .
✓ complete frame your photos with the right process - choose for your style.
✓ Look focus blur , noise reduction , and more cool photo effects , such as like a pro .
✓ explore color tool to adjust the contrast, brightness , or focus on one color, color splash.
✓ Keep track of your favorite effects and coverage of the “ Favorites“ button
✓ directly with your friends to share your photos , Instagram , and through Facebook, Twitter or any of your favorite sharing application . , Or just save it to your gallery .
✓ camera ! * a photo from your gallery and start applying filters. If your device has a camera , you can capture a new image , from within an application .
◇C.Y可爱儿★(ID49789)修改此贴09-09 17:45

. 绝客网:http://jkniu.com





图 ◇C.Y可爱儿★.09-09 18:11



妞丶给大爷笑个丿.09-09 18:07



惜缘^_^三少.09-09 17:54
首页 > 翻译


Pixlr表达的是一个有趣的和免费的照片编 辑器,可以让你快速的作物,调整大小, 并修复任何图片,消除红眼,美白牙齿。 超过600的影响,覆盖和边界,然后任何 形象个性化全免费。从Pixlr的制造商o-matic的Pixlr表示会让你看起来像一个 亲,即使你没有编辑照片之前✓作物,调 整,整顿和容易旋转图像。✓“自动修复 照片一键修复色彩平衡,变暗的照片和恶 劣的照明条件下。✓消除红眼,美白牙齿 使用简单的工具。✓覆盖的帮助你调节情 绪健康的色调,冷静下来,或添加的超现 实的色彩✓照明效果,您可以添加戏剧, 火花或*看。容易地调整每个作用的强 度和方向。✓完整的框架,您的照片与正 确的过程-选择你的风格。✓看焦点模 糊,降噪,更多更酷的照片效果,如像 亲。✓探讨色彩工具调整对比度,亮度, 或集中在一个颜色,颜色飞溅。✓追踪你 喜欢的效果和“收藏夹”按钮✓直接与你的 朋友分享你的照片覆盖,Instagram,并 通过脸谱网,推特或任何你喜欢的应用共 享。,或者只将其保存到您的画廊。✓相 机!*你的画廊照片并且开始应用过滤 器。如果您的设备有一个摄像头,可以捕 捉到一个新的图像,从应用程序中。


The Pixlr Express is a fun and free photo editor that lets you quickly crop, resize , and repair any pictures, remove red eye , whitening teeth. More than 600 effects , overlays and borders and then * any image personalization all free . From the makers of Pixlr - O-MATIC ‘s Pixlr Express will make you look like a pro , even if you never edit photos before ✓ crop , adjust , rectify and easily rotate images. ✓ ‘ auto- fix‘ photos as a key repair balance color , darkening photos and poor lighting conditions. ✓ remove red eye, whiten teeth using simple tools . ✓ coverage to help you adjust the mood - a healthy tone, cool down , or add surreal shades ✓ lighting effects , you can add drama , sparks or junk look. Easily adjust the intensity and direction of each effect . ✓ complete frame your photos with the right process - choose for your style. ✓ Look focus blur , noise reduction , and more cool photo effects , such as like a pro . ✓ explore color tool to adjust the contrast, brightness , or focus on one color, color splash. ✓ Keep track of your favorite effects and coverage of the “ Favorites“ button ✓ directly with your friends to share your photos , Instagram , and through Facebook, Twitter or any of your favorite sharing application . , Or just save it to your gallery . ✓ camera ! * a photo from your gallery and start applying filters. If your device has a camera , you can capture a new image , from within an application .




惜缘^_^三少.09-09 17:49
